COVID-19 News
COVID-19 Update | September 3, 2021
September 3, 2021

The California Biotechnology Foundation is committed to keeping you up to date about COVID-19 testing, treatment and prevention advancements. The following resources track what progress has been made as of September 3, 2021. Notable advancements include:
- Pfizer and Merck & Co. launched pivotal clinical studies of new experimental oral COVID-19 drugs, building on previous work to provide outpatient alternatives to COVID-19 patients.
- California surpassed the 80 percent threshold for residents ages 12 and older who have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, with officials urging those who have not yet gotten the shot to do so quickly to prevent further surges in cases and hospitalizations.
Recent News
- Pfizer, Merck launch large new trials of oral COVID-19 drugs
Healthcare Dive – September 2, 2021
Pfizer and Merck & Co. launched pivotal clinical studies of new experimental oral COVID-19 drugs, building on previous work to provide outpatient alternatives for patients. Merck is studying whether its medicine, molnupiravir, can prevent COVID-19 in adults who live with an asymptomatic patient with a confirmed coronavirus infection. The trial will include about 1,300 patients who will take molnupiravir or a placebo every 12 hours for five days. - Moderna Seeks US Authorization for COVID-19 Vaccine Booster
Medscape – September 2, 2021
Moderna asked the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to allow the use of a third booster dose of its COVID-19 vaccine. The FDA is considering booster shots of the Pfizer Inc and BioNTech vaccine, but so far has only allowed people with weakened immune systems to receive third doses of either the Moderna or Pfizer shots. - More than 80% of Americans 16 and older have some immunity to COVID-19, blood survey finds
CNN Health – September 2, 2021
More than 80% of Americans 16 and older have some level of immunity against COVID-19, mostly through vaccination, a survey of blood donations indicates. The survey, led by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, also indicates that about twice as many people have been infected with the virus as have been officially counted. - FDA on COVID-19 Vaccines for Kids, Boosters, and Treatments
Medspace – September 2, 2021
WebMD’s Chief Medical Officer, John Whyte, MD, speaks with Janet Woodcock, MD, Acting Commissioner, FDA, about the latest COVID-19 developments including the status of vaccines for kids, booster shots, and treatments. - Rheumatoid arthritis drug might help save hospitalized COVID-19 patients
HealthDay News – September 2, 2021
A rheumatoid arthritis drug may help improve the condition of hospitalized COVID-19 patients, according to new research. As doctors worldwide come up against severe cases of COVID-19, some positive news has emerged: New research shows the rheumatoid arthritis drug baricitinib may help reduce hospitalized COVID-19 patients’ risk of death. - California hits 80 percent threshold for vaccinations
The Hill – September 1, 2021
California surpassed the 80 percent threshold for residents ages 12 and older who have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, with officials urging those who have not yet gotten the shot to do so quickly to prevent further surges in cases and hospitalizations. - Vaccination reduces risk of long COVID-19, even when people are infected, U.K. study indicates
STAT – September 1, 2021
People who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 appear to have a much lower likelihood of developing long COVID-19 than unvaccinated people even when they contract the coronavirus, a study indicated. The research is among the earliest evidence that immunization substantially decreases the risk of long COVID-19 even when a breakthrough infection occurs. - FDA approval of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine spurs American confidence: Harris Poll
FiercePharma – August 31, 2021
Last week’s FDA approval of Pfizer’s Comirnaty vaccine boosted consumer confidence among both vaccinated and unvaccinated people. A Harris Poll survey over the weekend found that 80% of Americans who were aware of the approval now have more confidence in it. Even more encouraging? Almost half (49%) of unvaccinated people who heard about the approval said they will “probably” or “definitely” get vaccinated. - New data confirm COVID-19 vaccines provide strong protection against hospitalization.
New York Times – August 30, 2021
New data presented to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention committee provided more evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines provided robust protection against severe disease through July, after the Delta variant of COVID-19 had spread widely through the United States. Scientists also confirmed that the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna shots confer a small risk of heart problems in younger men, but the benefits outweighed the risks. - Amid delta surge, demand spikes for COVID-19 monoclonal antibody treatment in Bay Area
San Francisco Chronicle – August 30, 2021
When Dora Mendez tested positive for the coronavirus Aug. 20, she was surprised. Mendez, 50, is fully vaccinated. After she tested positive, her doctor quickly referred Mendez to a Stanford Medicine clinic that administers monoclonal antibodies to eligible COVID-19 patients. Monoclonal antibody therapy is the only treatment authorized for non-hospitalized patients with mild or moderate symptoms in early stages of the disease.
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If you have any questions about informational briefings contact California Biotechnology Foundation Executive Director Patty Cooper at (916)764-2434 or [email protected].