Biotech Impact
Fueling the Next Wave of Prosperity
From developing cures to deadly diseases, generating jobs and economic growth or educating our next generation of gifted scientists and entrepreneurs, biotechnology companies and the life sciences community has global impact from right here in the Golden State.

“We’ve gotten progressively better at connecting the dots and monitoring biomarkers for drug efficacy and patient selection. The evolution in technology and how that affects how we approach this information and get meaningful points out of it also excites me.”
– Jennifer Allport-Anderson
As a worldwide hub of discovery, this industry strives to sustain the California dream by serving as a leading employer, a champion for patients, an education ally and a dedicated community partner. Thanks to hundreds of thousands of Californians who work in biotech, and the investors and policymakers who support them and their bold ideas, the industry will continue to save and improve lives and increase prosperity for people in our state and beyond.